You have found my bio page. I am a computer engineer currently living in Northern California. I was born and raised in the Eastern European country Bulgaria. I have been passionate about computers and technology since I first laid my eyes on a personal computer, the Pravetz-16, back in the late 80s. In 1990, my family and I immigrated to the United States, where the PC was quickly gaining momentum. Saving all my paychecks from my first job at a local video store, I bought my first PC a Tandy 1000 from Radio Shack. I was hooked! I tinkered with computers all through highschool, joining the computer club at school, and continuously upgrading my home PC. After high school, my path was clear to me, I went on to study computer engineering at the Unversity of South Florida. I loved every bit of it, from logic design to automata theory, learning what made PCs tick was exciting and inspiring. Getting a job offer from the number one chip maker in the world was icing on the cake. I have been working for Intel since 2000, continuously learning and evolving my knowledge and expertise. In 2021 I decided to explore other companies and landed as a Security Architect at AMD. Feel free to use the form below if you would like to contact me or send me a message.